

Computer science at the IUT

The department of computer science of the IUT in France train students to computing and to team work so as to prepare them to their integration in working life.

It therefore offers a teaching supervised by available teachers, and professionals who teach students a practical and concrete experience of the computing line of work.

The part dedicated to computer science of the teaching is based on 3 axes, each of them requiring specific qualities and skills:

Analysis and design Algorithmic and programming System architecture and networks
Preliminary work in relation with the client to specify his need and his expectations and the design of the schema of a computer processing.
Communication, openness, analytical skills and synthesis ...
Effective implementation of treatment until coding.
Logical spirit, technical precision ...
Operation of a computer, its operating system and networks (Internet, Intranet, ...).
Curiosity, patience ...

In addition to computer skills, the computer science degree offers subjects that allow students to develop better during and after their studies. Topics such as English, Economics, Mathematics, Communication and PPP (Personal and Professional Project) are therefore part of the program.

In order to test the practical skills of our students, tutored projects and an internship in company take place during the two years in DUT. These elements are very useful and allow to put the students in real situation.


University Institue of Technology

The Academic Institute of Technology (IUT) in France are spread all over the territory and are about 115, ensuring a strong anchorage into the local and regional economic environment. Nevertheless meetings between the IUT departments' supervisors certify the coherence teaching course.

The IUT has a premium academic teaching which has been acknowledged and appreciated by firms for more than 40 years, thanks to the setting up of programs adapted to the professional reality.

What makes the success of IUTs is their training that covers a large part of existing work sectors and, with the collaboration of professionals, allow students to find a job shortly after the delivery of their DUT.

This diversity of diplomas and training courses allows the setting up of different courses suitable for a larger number of students.

For IUTs in partnership with institutions abroad, there are opportunities for internships abroad and / or even to continue studying abroad after the IUT.

For more information you can visit these sites:

Computer Science departments at the IUT

The teaching of computer science at the IUT both takes into account the diploma's professional dimension and a more general training objective; the student acquires know-hows but also knowledge, basis concepts and working methods that he will be able to apply in professional situations.

The DUT, university and professional diploma:

After the delivery of their DUT, the owners of the DUT in computing are superior technicians, able to participate in the designing, production and integration of computing systems. However, if they wish to, they can also pursue their studies at the end of this diploma.

Validation of the experience acquisition:

If you have already had professional or non-professional experience, it is possible to ratify your it in order to obtain a diploma, a title or a certificate of professional qualification. You can visit the government website regarding the validation of the experience acquisition (VAE).

Official program

The official program of the DUT:

Program in French        Program in German        Program in Spanish

Survey Post Computing DUT:   2014 | 2013 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

Map of the French computing departments

This map will allow you to find an IUT close to your company as well as to contact to offer internship or apprenticeship offers.

After the IUT

Job opportunities after the DUT or the Professional License

Here is a list of examples of jobs accessible after a computer science degree and / or a professional license.

Production and exploitation Studies, development and integration Administration and management of the direction of the information systems
Data bases Administrator, Systems and Networks Administrator, Analyst of exploitation, data-processing park Manager, Help Desk Technician, Network and Telecommunication Technician, Webdesigner and Webmaster. Project managers in IT or ICT, Multimedia video game developer, Programmer Analyst, Project Director, Integrator, ERP parametror. Data-processing Auditor, Director of the Information Systems, Studies manager, Exploitation manager

Support and technical assistance Consulting in information system and project management (MOA)
Internal Project Manager, Trainer, System Analyst, Technical Director, Safety Manager, Safety Specialist, Method Specialist, Network Architect, Technical Architect, Databasis Architect Project leader MOA, Consulting - Information System Consultant, Business Intelligence Consultant, safety Consultant, MOA Consultant, ERP Consultant, Specialized Consultant on Not Yet Matured Markets, responsible in control for the change, Responsible for IF trade, functional project officer, Architect of IF.

Study pursuit

The first vocation of the IUT is to lead directly to the professional sector, but the students have the possibility of continuing their course if they wish to do so and for that there are several choices:

Student testimonials

Damien Lefebvre’s testimony

Picture of Damien Lefebvre

After a few months in license, Damien Lefebvre decided to reorient himself. His choice fell on the IUT of Villetaneuse in which he enrolled in 2002 for a computing DUT.

Following his DUT, he decided to prepare a Professional License SIL, proposed by the same IUT.

"The knowledge and skills developed by three years studying the algorithmics, databases, but also countable aspects of the economic world, were the key that allowed me to be recruited by a large French IT services company, after 4 months of training."

Since then, Damien has offered his skills into service of major clients, including renowned banking institutions, and he wishes to move towards "Consulting" in the future.

Press review

Articles about the Computing IUT:

Those articles come from the following student information website:

Studyrama L'Étudiant

The links

The "IUT community":

ADIUT | IUT en ligne | La centrale des IUT | Portail du DUT Réseaux et Télécoms |

Student life:

CNOUS | Ministry for Youth, Sports and Community Life | Ministry for National Education | RENATER |

Professional licenses:

National website of professional licenses


Professional partners of the « IUT Info » training:

One of the strengths of IUTs is the partnership. « IUT Info », the computing Department, has partnerships with several companies in the IT field. These links between IUTs and companies facilitate internships and job search after graduation by students.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of partner companies:

Atos Capgemini Cigref IBM Microsoft Syntec

International partnership:

In addition to professional partnerships, IUTs can have partnerships with the abroad universities. These contacts make it easier for students to do training abroad to expand their culture and give them alternative ways of doing business.

The IUT of Lens for example has partnerships with several foreign schools around the world (Canada, Japan, Spain ...)